All our services are tailored to each unique cultural experience as all of our customers deserve the right experience for your business, organisation or school. Have a look at some of the experiences we offer and don't hesitate to request something different to fit your needs.

Gawura can cater for a huge range of performances needs. Our performers are all professionally trained and have been dancing for many years. Performances can last for any where up to an hour and we can perform multiple sets if required.
Our traditional songs and dances are all performed live with no pre-recorded music, which enables audiences to be immersed into First Nations culture and provides a deep cultural experience
Types of performances we can cater for:
Major events (Such as sporting, musical festivals and conferences)
Corporate Functions & Events,
Official events for Government departments,
Official events for Non-governmental organisation's,
Weddings and celebrations,
International tours
Please contact us to find out more.

Gawura facilitates a large range of programs and professional development opportunities. Here are some of the options that our cultural facilitators can provide:
Cultural Humility/Awareness training,
Cultural Wellbeing & Mindfulness programs,
On Country Tours,
Cultural Supervision
Cultural Professional Development Programs,
Online Cultural Development Sessions
Cultural & Spiritual Growth Programs,
If you are after something specific please contact us to discuss. We can always tailor something to you specific needs


Cultural education is an extremely important part of the curriculum. Gawura caters to all educational needs when it comes to embedding culture. Our school based programs are designed to assist with educational outcomes and assist schools with the difficult task of understanding how cultural practices con be embedded into everyday lessons and units of work.